Packers vs. Steelers

It wasn’t as snowy as the Lions vs. Eagles game a couple weeks ago, but the game was still snowy and muddy so I’ll take it.

Overall I was pretty happy with my whole take yesterday, including my pregame stuff. Although, perhaps more frustrating than the Packers loss was missing Eddie Lacy’s play-of-the-game leap into the endzone.

As you can see, I have the whole sequence of his run in focus…except right as he jumps my autofocus got caught up on a snowflake and decided to grab the background. Ugh.

Would have been great. (It’s seriously painful for me to look at this. This is what nightmares look like for photographers.)

At least this photo I got of him later in the game sort of helped ease the pain, even though it is the quintessential “trading card” photo. Hey, sometimes I’m a sucker for boring stock art, ok?

Here are some more of my favorites from before and during the game:

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